Powerful Health Benefits of Hops; According to Researchers.

It is a plant from the cold and fresh jungles of the European continent, although it can also grow wild in the Canary Islands, China and the United States. Among some of the names by which it is known we can find the vineyard of the north, lupine, little man, lupo, lupios, betiguera and cañamiza.

It is a herbaceous, dioecious, perennial rooted plant with hairy, climbing stems that reach several meters in length. Its leaves can be palmately lobed and opposite, or solitary and cordate, stipulate, with up to 5 lobes and dark green while the dioecious flowers are small, numerous and dark green. The male flowers have a yellowish hue and are arranged in abundant panicles, the female ones are a little paler, are grouped in catkins and form numerous strobili. For fruit it has an achene. It is a herbaceous, dioecious, perennial rooted plant with hairy and climbing stems that reach several meters in length. Its leaves can be palmately lobed and opposite, or solitary and cordate, stipulate, with up to 5 lobes and dark green while the dioecious flowers are small, numerous and dark green. The male flowers have a yellowish hue and are arranged in abundant panicles, the female ones are a little paler, are grouped in catkins and form numerous strobili. By fruit it has an achene.


For digestion: It has the qualities of a stomach tonic, and due to its bitter taste it is recommended for problems of slow transit or weak digestion. It has been used for centuries to counteract the sweet taste of malt in beer.

Sedative: The lupulin or yellowish powder concentrated at the base of the flowers is used for its great analgesic and sedative qualities for cases of migraine, headaches, fatigue, stress and anxiety.

At the gynecological and andrological level: It is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and has been used to relieve spermatorrhea and premature ejaculation. Due to its sedative qualities, it is used for treatments against dysmenorrhea.

It is possible to take it directly, nebulized, in powder or infusion. It has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, which is why it is frequently used externally in minor wounds. With the strobili beer is made.


For difficult digestion (remedy 1), cook 15 g of hop flowers in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Strain and sweeten the liquid with a drop of honey. Drink 1 cup at the end of each meal.

For difficult digestions (remedy 2), pour 30 g of hop leaves into 1 liter of boiling water. Strain and take about 3 glasses a day after meals.

For insomnia (remedy 1), boil 1 teaspoon of hop flowers in 100 g of water for 3 minutes. Strain and drink at bedtime.

For insomnia (remedy 2), boil 1 liter of water. Add 1 heaping tablespoon of hops and 1 of valerian root. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and let it rest for 5 more minutes. Sweeten with a little pure maple syrup and take 1 ½ cup to help relax the body.

For insomnia (remedy 3), place several hop flowers between the pillows that are sprinkled with a little alcohol to release their precious sedative oils.

For dandruff, mix 1 1/2 cups of the fresh cut hop fruit with 2 1/4 cups of good quality imported Russian vodka or expensive brandy. Place in a small bottle with a tight-fitting lid or cork. Shake daily allowing the herbs to release their extract for about 2 weeks. Wash hair and rinse well with water. Apply to the scalp using a cotton ball soaked with gentle massages.

For constipation, take one to three tablespoons of hop powder in a day.

For the retention of liquid (remedy 1), sit on a bowl, in which a very hot infusion of hops is poured, wrapping yourself in a sheet from the waist to the ground so as not to let the vapors escape.

For liquid retention (remedy 2), pour 30 grams of hop pineapples per one liter of boiling water. Cover, let cool and drink.

For anxiety (remedy 1), bring 1/2 glass of water to the boil, remove it from the heat and pour 1 teaspoon of hop flowers and let it steep for a few minutes. Strain and drink when feeling anxious, but no more than 2 or 3 cups a day.

For anxiety (remedy 2), take 20 drops of hops tincture (it can be purchased at botanical and herbal pharmacies) diluted in a glass of water three times a day.


In high doses it is a powerful narcotic, it can cause vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Fresh flowers irritate the skin.  

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