Honey is the healthiest and most beneficial natural sweetener for health. It is a dense emulsion with a sweet taste, because it contains different monosaccharides and polysaccharides that are intended to feed the youngest bees during their development.
Honey is produced by a special variety of bees, the honeybees. These animals take nectar from flowers and turn it into honey in special sacks inside their digestive tract. Later it is deposited in special cubicles inside the hive, where it matures.
The color of honey is usually a golden yellow that is very pleasing to the eye. However, its color and flavor depend to a great extent on the time of maturation and its origin. Honey that is more yellow and less orange in color is considered to be of better quality. The honeys with the best flavor and texture are made from the orange blossom, however the most consumed are those made from a kind of grass.
Natural honey is composed of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C and the B complex. It has nutritional and healing properties that have been known since ancient times.
On the other hand, honey can sweeten up to 25 times more than common sugar, and it is also easy to digest.
Honey as a remedy is antibiotic, it cures rickets, scurvy, anemia, inflammation of the intestine, dropsy, constipation, rheumatism, headaches and dizziness. It is the best sugar that the kidneys accept.
It is considered tonic and relaxing by promoting the absorption of tryptophan, a precursor substance of serotonin, which induces sleep. Therefore, honey combats insomnia.
It represents an excellent source of carbohydrates, which is why it is considered a highly energetic food. It also works as a powerful cell regenerator.
It is considered a cerebral restorative due to its content of sodium, iron and phosphorus, essential for the proper maintenance of the nervous system.
Regular consumption of honey improves the assimilation of other foods as it is very digestive. Its softening and antiseptic properties make it an excellent aid in the treatment of flu, sore throat and muscle pain.
Blood cleanser, revitalizer and brain tonic: A tablespoon of honey every morning on an empty stomach helps to clean the bloodstream and start the day with renewed spirits.
Irritation and inflammation of the throat: Its astringent power makes gargles with honey an excellent remedy for these types of conditions.
For bruises, wounds, bumps, sprains, cracks in the nipples of nursing mothers: Honey with papaya pulp softens old scars and minimizes them.
To end stretch marks and cellulite: Take the pulp of seven mangosteens, add two feijoas, a tablespoon of honey, a teaspoon of bee pollen, two grams of pure royal jelly and, if required You want two to five grams of chlorophyll from spinach, cabbage, or celery extract. Everything is mixed and liquefied, leaving the royal jelly for the end.
To rejuvenate the skin, strengthen hair, reduce stress, organize the sleep cycle and regenerate the functions of the endocrine system: Three to four feijoas are blended, mixed with honey and a gram of royal jelly pure. You can add a teaspoon of bee pollen. Consume before breakfast in 30-day cycles resting for 15 days.
Muscle aches: Muscle aches are difficult to deal with, and every movement is intense suffering. To relieve pain on the sides of the trunk, that is, that of the serratus muscles, it is useful to boil a mixture of goat’s milk and honey and apply wet cloths to the affected area. This treatment should be at night before going to bed, to complement it and obtain better results it is also advisable to drink a cup of borage water and vira vira.
For acne: Prepare a mask with ten grams of papaya peel, ten grams of mango pulp and a tablespoon of honey. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
To soften the skin: Guava, mango, papaya and honey are mixed and left to act for 20 minutes.
To nourish and moisturize combination skin: An avocado is crushed and honey is added; leave to act on the skin for 20 minutes.
Laxative and emollient: Consume plums on an empty stomach with honey.
For cough (remedy 1): Take a sour pomegranate and extract the juice, then add honey and place it in a container, stirring well until the honey dissolves. It warms up a bit and takes it. You can also open a coconut (keeping its fibrous cover) and add honey and put it on the fire. It is left until a syrup is formed that is taken every two or three hours.
For coughs (remedy 2): Cut a pineapple without the shell, just the core and pulp, and boil with honey for five minutes. It is consumed warm.
Expectorant: Take a very clean small frying pan (which is fat-free) and put it on the fire. It is covered with slices of the mango pulp until the bottom is covered, a tablespoon and a half of honey is added and it is put on a low heat. The resulting syrup is consumed immediately. When the remaining dough no longer releases syrup, it is consumed hot.
To regenerate the cells: Take 3 to 5 fresh apricots, adding a tablespoon of pollen and two of honey. Consume two hours before breakfast for 15 days.
Colds: A glass of previously strained watermelon juice is mixed with a tablespoon of honey, heated and three tablespoons are taken every two hours between meals.
Nourishing and refreshing mask for normal and dry skin: Crush two or three strawberries with a tablespoon of heavy cream and a tablespoon of honey. Apply for fifteen minutes to the face and clean with cotton wool soaked in milk.
To clean oily and pimpled skin: Mix fifty grams of cottage cheese with a tablespoon of honey. Leave on for 20 minutes and remove with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
Asthma: Take parsley juice on an empty stomach, mixed with very hot milk and honey.
Hoarseness: The lemon juice to which the onion juice is added (it is grated and the juice is strained), with honey, is excellent in case of hoarseness and problems of the respiratory system.
For cough, hoarseness, laryngitis: Equal parts of honey and strained lemon juice are mixed, heated and taken every two hours. For adults one tablespoon, for children one teaspoon.
Throat discomfort, cough, chronic cough: Crush a well-ripe banana into a dough, add to this dough the juice of a large lemon, an orange or a tangerine, and a heaping tablespoon of honey, and put to heat over low heat for about five minutes. Consume immediately. Especially effective to do it before going to bed.
Rheumatism: Crush the poppy seeds and mix them with honey.
Colds, coughs, bronchitis: Boil ten grams of fennel seed in half a liter of milk or water, adding honey. Take several cups during the day.
For parasites: Take lemon seeds crushed and sweetened with honey.
Digestive problems, hypertension, heart, nerves: Peel and prepare a paste with the pulp of the apples, simmer with an equal amount of honey until a syrup is formed that should be consumed fresh.
Eating too much honey can have an adverse effect on our digestive system leading to conditions like stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. The maximum recommended dose of honey is ten tablespoons per day.
Honey is not so good for people suffering from diabetes due to the large amount of sugar present in it. Honey does not contain fiber, which means that consuming honey can increase a person’s blood sugar level because the sugar in honey is absorbed into our blood more quickly than the sugar in fiber.
Honey is not suitable for people with allergies and those who are allergic to pollen, celery and other allergies related to the activities of bees should not consume honey.