Vaginal itching can be a symptom of many conditions. It could be caused by an issue like vaginal dryness or chemical irritants, such as the ones found in scented soaps. Itching can also be the result of a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or another type of irritant or medical condition.
There are many home remedies to relieve an itchy vagina, but the remedy you choose will depend on what’s causing the itch.
What causes vaginal itching?
Vaginal itchiness is often due to one of the following common causes.Yeast infectionIf you have a vagina, there’s a chance that you’ll get a yeast infection at some point in your life.Candida, a naturally occurring microorganism in the vaginal area, causes yeast infections. Changes in medications, hormones, or a soap or spray can make a yeast infection more likely.Candida naturally lives in healthy vaginas, but when this microorganism overgrows, it can cause a yeast infection, which can lead to itching or burning sensations in the vagina.Other than itching, yeast infections can cause a thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge.
Bacterial vaginosis Bacteria naturally grow in your vagina to keep it healthy. When the bacterial makeup is unbalanced, certain kinds of bacteria may become overgrown, most commonly Gardnerella vaginalis. Douching, not using condoms or other barrier methods, and having multiple sex partners can increase the risk of developing bacterial vaginosis.Bacterial vaginosis often leads to a fishy vaginal odor, burning during urination, and discharge that’s gray, white, or green.Vaginal dryness:This is a symptom of many conditions. Vaginal dryness can cause your vagina to feel itchy inside. It can also cause discomfort during sex or masturbation, as there will be more friction during penetration, which can irritate your skin.Water-based lubricants can help with vaginal dryness. Women, estrogen creams were shown to improve v:ginal dryness and itching.You may want to talk with a doctor if v:ginal dryness seems to be a consistent problem for you.
Exposure to irritants:
The skin near your vulva and vagina is sensitive. Irritating chemicals in pads, intimate washes, sprays, and other products can irritate the skin and cause an itchy vagina. This is why it’s recommended that you avoid using anything other than water to wash your vulva.It’s also possible to have an allergic reaction to the ingredients of intimate washes and components of menstrual products.If you suspect your pad is irritating your skin, try a different brand, or switch to tampons or a menstrual cup.
Skin conditions.
Skin conditions can affect your pubic area and the skin around your vulva, leading to itchiness.Some skin conditions that may cause vaginal itching may include:eczemadermatitispsoriasisscabieshivedry skin If you suspect you have a skin condition, speak with a doctor or dermatologist.
Low estrogen levels:Low estrogen levels are more common in young and perimenopausal females, but they can occur at any age.Estrogen plays a major role in maintaining vaginal secretions. These vaginal secretions lubricate the vaginal wall, reducing friction during sexual intercourse. Low estrogen levels can reduce the natural vaginal lubrication. This can lead to vaginal dryness, which can result in irritation and itching, especially during sex.Other symptoms of low estrogen can include irregular or absent periods, fatigue, and hot flashes.
A number of STIs could cause vaginal itching. These include:chlamydiagenital wartsgonorrheagenital herpestrichomoniasispubic lice:The above conditions require medical attention. It’s important to speak with a doctor if you think you have an STI.The best home remedies for vaginal itching;Baking soda, bath Baking, soda baths can potentially treat yeast infections as well as certain itchy skin conditions.
A 2012 study indicated baking soda has antifungal effects. A 2014 study found that baking soda killed Candida cells, the same cells that cause yeast infections.The National Eczema Foundation recommends adding 1/4 cup of baking soda to your bath, or making it into a paste and applying it to your skin to treat eczema.Research from 2005 indicated that baking soda baths are an effective treatment for psoriasis too.
Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is a common home remedy for yeast infections.A probiotic yogurt promotes the growth of “good” bacteria in the vagina. These bacteria can kill off some yeast and keep your vagina healthy.A 2012 study evaluated 129 pregnant women with yeast infections after receiving either a home remedy or an over-the-counter (OTC) treatment.Researchers gave 82 participants a yogurt and honey combination remedy and 47 participants an OTC cream. The study found that a mixture of honey and yogurt was more effective at treating vaginal yeast infections than OTC antifungal medication.A 2015 study reached the same conclusion: Yogurt and honey were more effective than commercial antifungal cream.
Cotton underwear
Cotton underwear is helpful if you have any sort of vaginal or vulvar discomfort. Cotton underwear is breathable, which means it can help reduce itchy skin conditions.Wearing 100% cotton underwear might prevent yeast infections, as yeast thrives in areas that are not well ventilated.
Coconut oil:A 2016 study demonstrated that coconut oil can kill Candida albicans, which causes yeast infections. However, this study was done in a lab, and there’s not enough evidence to confirm whether it works in humans.
Antifungal cream:If a yeast infection is causing you discomfort, you may want to consider using OTC antifungal creams to provide relief. They kill yeast, which soothes the itch. OTC antifungals are also available as vaginal suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.If you use an antifungal cream or suppository in your vagina, it’s best to wear a panty liner.
Cortisone cream
If you’re itchy after shaving pubic hair, cortisone cream might be the best treatment. The cream can also be used to treat eczema, allergic skin conditions, and some rashes as it reduces and soothes itching.
Cortisone cream should never be applied inside your vagina. However, it can be applied to the skin outside the vagina where pubic hair grows.
Probiotic foods
Similar to taking probiotic supplements, eating food that contains probiotics can promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your vagina and gut, which supports your overall vaginal and gut health.
Probiotic foods include:
- yogurt
- kombucha
- kimchi
- sauerkraut
- miso
If you have a yeast infection, eating probiotic foods can help your body defend against it.
Practicing good vaginal hygiene can help prevent and soothe an itchy vagina.
Sometimes less is more when it comes to washing your v:gina and vulva. Your vagina cleans itself, so all you need to do is wash the outside of your vagina — your vulva — with some warm water.
Do not use scented soaps, gels, or cleansers. Avoiding products that are marketed as feminine hygiene or intimate cleansers is also recommended. For example, experts advise against vaginal douching unless a doctor prescribes it.
Douching and over-washing your vagina and vulva can actually cause itchiness. Soaps and scents can irritate the vagina and cause allergic reactions and infections.